วันอังคารที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

the bounce-ball technique

the bounce-ball technique

Bounce balling is a highly effective, yet very simple, fishing method

when fishing over sand or mud bottom for various bottom dwellers.

The technique is essentially a slow trolling technique designed to drag a bait

along the bottom, causing a commotion and thereby provoking a strike.

The rig is made with a three-way swivel tied to the main line.

At the bottom of the three-way swivel, a 25-35 cm. monofilament line

with a 1 to 2 pound cannonball sinker is attached.

Note that the sinker should be attached with a line of slightly lower breaking strength

then the main line, so this line will break off if the sinker becomes snagged.

From the center connection of the swivel, a 1,2 - 1,5 meter

monofilament line with a chrome dodger is attached.

Trailing 25-35 cm. behind this dodger, the lure is attached.

Bounce Ball Rig

As you drift or slow troll over an area of sand or mud bottom,

you bounce the sinker on the bottom by lifting and dropping the rod tip.

This way the sinker will create a sound, vibrations and clouds of silt

that attracts bottomfeeding predators. As they get closer,

the reflections of the metal dodger also helps trigger the strike.

As you are fishing with such a heavy sinker, it is very difficult to judge

just how hard to strike, so therefore do not try to set the hook.

Wind in the line until you feel the fish and the hook has set itself.

A heavy rod is required to stay in control of the large sinker,

and braided line is also a huge benifit as the low stretch

and increased sensitivity, makes it easier to feel the sinker

bouncing along the bottom.
